Because your real job is change.

greg shea greg shea

Organizational Change, Innovation, and Growth

This brief podcast from the California Management Review summarizes work that I’ve done with my Wharton colleague George Day (marketing) and the connection of my change model and his research on innovation and growth.

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Jennifer Simon Jennifer Simon

Resetting Language: Part 2

In this longish newsletter, I resume my attempt to affect how we all, and especially leaders, approach talking about our most acute group identities, particularly race, and how to improve our approach.

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Jennifer Simon Jennifer Simon

Setting the Context: Part 1

Tension mounts all around us. Groups clash. Connections fray. Our enemies exploit our divisions. Again. How might any of us, particularly leaders, approach these troubled times?

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Jennifer Simon Jennifer Simon

Leadership Change and the 19th Amendment

One hundred years and counting. August 18, 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment which states, “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.”

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greg shea greg shea

Board Performance

What constitutes good board performance and leadership under current conditions? Here’s a suggestion about a process for boards to use to answer that question and stimuli to jumpstart the discussion.

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Just another day at my Antarctic office.

Just another day at my Antarctic office.

When leaders and their organizations face challenges, there's a lot at stake… The “hard stuff” is often the “soft stuff”— like building and maintaining strong working relationships among leaders and their people. Challenging times place special demands on organizations and everyone in them. Through this blog, I will share insights and lessons from my research and field experience on the perspective, skills, and support you need to handle those demands.

Looking for tips and insights on how to lead change and handle a white-water world? Sign up for my newsletter.