Because your real job is change.
Hard Times, Shared Sense-making and Personal Myths
White water abounds. Events pound us and cross currents push us about. We pull off to the side of the river, but we find little respite there as we lug our battered craft out of the water. Rather, we find worries aplenty and, for many, too much time to fret.
Leading in Hard Times 2020
You probably have received a near tsunami of advice about how best to lead during the pandemic. Much of the counsel likely carries value. I offer two thoughts for your consideration as you look at a likely long period of ‘what comes next’.
Jackie Robinson, Larry Doby, and Lessons in Change
Moses Fleetwood Walker played Major League Baseball in 1884. He was the last openly African-American to do so until Jackie Robinson stepped onto a Major League field on April 15, 1947.
COVID: This is How It Could Have Gone
The events of the day offer, unfortunately, an opportunity to discuss systems thinking, a key aspect of my book Leading Successful Change, perhaps to good effect.
Emmy and the Grand Canyon
In this newsletter, I offer a few thoughts about a hike that my daughter Emmy invited me to take with her: 24 mile, 4500 feet down, 6000 feet up, rim to rim in the Grand Canyon, 15 pound packs of mainly water, and temperatures over 100.
When leaders and their organizations face challenges, there's a lot at stake… The “hard stuff” is often the “soft stuff”— like building and maintaining strong working relationships among leaders and their people. Challenging times place special demands on organizations and everyone in them. Through this blog, I will share insights and lessons from my research and field experience on the perspective, skills, and support you need to handle those demands.