Because your real job is change.

Jennifer Simon Jennifer Simon

I was a recent guest on The Stakeholder Podcast….

Ed Freeman invited me to The Stakeholder Podcast to discuss leadership and the recent U.S. election.  The conversation is broad in scope and offers new perspectives on leadership and what we expect from our leaders. 

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Jennifer Simon Jennifer Simon

The Massive Issue Going Mainly Unaddressed

The button.  The ultimate issue for us, for all of us…most immediately, in this election.  Or, more accurately, whose finger do you want on the nuclear launch button?  Who do you want the nuclear ‘football’ following around?

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Just another day at my Antarctic office.

Just another day at my Antarctic office.

When leaders and their organizations face challenges, there's a lot at stake… The “hard stuff” is often the “soft stuff”— like building and maintaining strong working relationships among leaders and their people. Challenging times place special demands on organizations and everyone in them. Through this blog, I will share insights and lessons from my research and field experience on the perspective, skills, and support you need to handle those demands.

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