Because your real job is change.
Jimmy Carter & Risky Acts of Decency
Jimmy Carter died. You most likely heard. Here’s a story about Jimmy Carter that I wager you haven’t heard.
Leadership's Legacy: Pat Summitt, NCAA Women’s Basketball, and Claiming Your Space
I am a born and bred Nutmegger, longtime fan of UConn’s women’s team, and father of two high school, college, and beyond female athletes/sport captains…And, I have a story with only one source and a secondhand one at that, namely another father talking about his child, in this case about a son ‘playing with girls’, but it’s a good story.
MLK, Leadership….and Followership
Great leaders evolve, both themselves and their leadership and they help those who choose to follow them to evolve as well, as people and as co-creators of leadership.
Airports, Flight Delays & Everyday Moments That Define Leadership
All of us will face moments of challenge and even crisis over the coming months. So many moments will seem small and yet they will prove definitional.
Leadership Lessons from Foundering CEOs
The news seems stuffed with CEOs under duress. This article of mine just appeared in Directors and Boards and uses the 'news' to highlight best practices in leadership for one and all, boards included.
Jalen Hurts & Leadership Lessons from Philadelphia’s Bird Life (Eagles)
There’s an awful lot of good football (as in American) getting played these days by Philadelphia’s Eagles. I’m not a leading football fan/expert, but even I can see it.
Just another day at my Antarctic office.
When leaders and their organizations face challenges, there's a lot at stake… The “hard stuff” is often the “soft stuff”— like building and maintaining strong working relationships among leaders and their people. Challenging times place special demands on organizations and everyone in them. Through this blog, I will share insights and lessons from my research and field experience on the perspective, skills, and support you need to handle those demands.