Because your real job is change.
Leadership from the Trenches: A Christmas to Remember
In the summer 1914, Europe devolved into WWI, aka ‘the War to End All Wars’. It was, like most wars, most assuredly to be short and decisive, probably ending by Christmas, 1914…
Queen Aretha & Care for Pained Souls in Painful Times
Our times shape who and how we are…at home, in our communities, and at work. Our times wash over us, open-mouthed, over and over……
Remembering and Learning
Human groups, big and small, share various dynamics, not all of course, but a few important ones. One of those shared is the significance of what any group, organization, or even society chooses to remember... or to forget.
Wailing and the Work Upon Us
My father had recently returned from military service in WWII. His service took him, eventually, to Germany. He saw much…
Lessons in Implementing and Sustaining Organizational Change: The Rise & Decline of Portugal’s Innovative Drug User Policy… plus a few upbeat links
This article of mine just dropped on Knowledge@Wharton, a Wharton business journal. It’s a quick read (under five minutes) with lots of links if you want to learn more and/or to check my work…
Leading & Colleagueship in Hard Times: Lessons from Sinead, Kris… and Willie
Clear and powerful examples of leadership in service to valued colleagues….
When leaders and their organizations face challenges, there's a lot at stake… The “hard stuff” is often the “soft stuff”— like building and maintaining strong working relationships among leaders and their people. Challenging times place special demands on organizations and everyone in them. Through this blog, I will share insights and lessons from my research and field experience on the perspective, skills, and support you need to handle those demands.